Wednesday, September 26, 2007

One down...a thousand to go!

I just sent the I-600A off this morning to the Memphis, TN immigration office (a small weight has been lifted)!! I feel like I am slowly beginning to learn the lingo. This has all felt like a foreign language to Chris and me. But, we are beginning to really see what needs to be done. With the help of Amelia and Melissa (thank you, thank you, thank you), I am not becoming super overwhelmed. I am just trying to do one thing at a time and not look too far in the future!

Now, here is the hard part. We are moving forward (because of unrest in the country of Guatemala and their adoption system) without even knowing if precious Xio is going to be deemed adoptable. I know there are a thousand things I could be worrying about....such as money to pay for this (thank you Lord for Chris's speaking engagements for the last two weekends that have paid for the home study!!)....or is the paperwork going to work out. But, all I can think about is wanting her to be named Xiomara Wheeler. I don't care if Chris and I have to become experts at e-bay and sell everything we have. I don't care if we get her as a baby (even though I would love that)......I just want her to be our first child. That is the prayer I pray so many times during the day.

Sending the application has made it seem so real. The timing is crazy....and people probably think we are. But, we are taking the risk....we have jumped.

Love you all, Lindsey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyday I long to see the Lord more, and say I'm having faith in him. Yet, you two are teaching me a new meaning of what this means. Some may say your crazy or ridiculous with everything your doing, but I say you have a faith that I hope I can have in my situations of life one day. Thanks for showing others how to live a life that believes in what he can do more then we know what do do.
