Monday, March 24, 2008


WE WILL BE IN GUATEMALA (Antigua) TOMORROW!!!!! GET READY FOR SOME PICTURES!!!! I cannot wait to walk the streets of Antigua...hang out with our friend Melissa....and lounge out at the best hole-in-the-wall restaurant Rainbow room (best pancakes ever)!!! Then, we head to spend time with the cutest girl in the world on Wednesday!!!

Love y'all,


David and Marianne said...

Thrilled for you....praying you'll have a fantastic time with your lil cutie! Wish I could jump in your suitcase : )

obligato said...

Hi Linds...cannot believe u are leaving tomorrow! I am beyond happy for u! I love u so much and praying for u!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bekah said...

happy travels sweet family! praying for another amazing trip and that your next to trip will be bringing that sweet girl home.

Lainie said...

We're so excited for you! Have a wonderful, memory-making time!

Love you,
Lainie, Dane, Laurie, and Michael

Jocelyn said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip!!

Becca said...

I will be stalking your blog for pictures! Praying for you and your family.

Peace and Hugs,

Bobbi said...

Travel safe!! Enjoy your time in Guat. Can't wait to see you all toagetehr.

Tracey said...

Get banana bread at Dona Luisa, YUMMY!! I miss Antigua! Take lots of pics:)

Amy said...

can't wait to see pictures of you three together!

Rachel said...

((((Lindsey)))) I am so jealous FOR you!!!!!!(just recently learned what being jealous FOR means) Can't wait for the pictures.

Jess said...

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea!!!!!!

Praise God!! May God clear out all other worries and concerns from your mind and leave you free to enjoy your baby girl!!!!!!

I miss Guatemala! I wish I could go too!!!

Have a great time!

Rachel said...

Congratulations! I am praying for your family and cannot wait to see pictures of you with Eliana. As far as what to pack, if you pack any clothes for Eliana--be sure to put them in a vacuum seal space bag--that way you can fit more stuff in your suitcase.

Stacie said...

So excited for you guys!! We hope you have a BLAST with Eliana and pray you get to see Xio! Be safe and enjoy every second!!

Can't wait to see some pics!!

demp5 said...

We are in Antigua as well. Are y'all really going to Rainbow Room on Tues. for pancakes? We may come by and eat a few ourselves. We would love to say "hi".

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!! We are so happy for you! the day is here! Maybe Mary Sofia can meet your girls while we are here. We leave Thursday. Also, did you notice I wore my awesome Ellie Dub shirt to meet her?! :)

Mary Ann said...

Hope you all have a wonderful time! Give Xiomara (if she is there) a squeeze for me !!!! And if you see sweet Flor give her a special queeze for us too! I know she is going to a wonderful home. But we really fell in love with that child!

Amanda said...

Lindsey and Chris,
I pray that you guys have the best time in Guatemala. That your time with your girls would be so full of JOY!!!
Have a blast walking those streets of Antigua.
I believe that God is going to guard your hearts and that when you head back to Nashville that it will only be a short time until Eliana is here with you.

Wish I could be there with you...I so bad want to meet your girls and see what you guys have so fallen in love with.

I Love you both and can't wait to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...


The M. Herndon Family said...

Have a wonderful visit with Eliana. Praying for your safety.

Sarah Stringer said...

Lindsey, I am so happy for you guys and it has been a pleasure reading through this journey with you. Thank you for sharing and I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as you are traveling. Cannot wait to see pictures!!!

Sarah Williams Stringer

Erin said...

no TODAY!!!!! So excited for you and wish I were on that plane!

Jami said...


Can't wait to see those pics!

Debbie said...

It's Tuesday, you are there!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your time there with your BABY!!!!


Mami Sue said...

Have a blessed time in
Guatmala with your beautiful
Prayers for her homecoming to be soon!!!!1

Darcy said...

What a cool photo. Love on that baby and enjoy every minute! I miss Antigua. . .
Darcy McMurray

Susie said...

So thinking of you both today! God has every step planned out for you. Blessings, Susie

Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful morning with some tamales and frijoles negro. PEACE.

kristin said...

i hope you had a safe and comfortable trip and are LOVING your time in antigua! you're in my thoughts and prayers...

ALSO! i saw this little boutique and thought of you and your anthropologie dress for eliana... enjoy!

Cheri said...

Thinking of you as I know you are with your daughter today. Enjoy your time! God bless, Cheri