I didn't know what picture would go well with MAJOR SPIRITUAL ATTACKS!!! So, I decided to post a picture when life was pretty simple for 3 days (us at Disney World). The last month has been hard....pretty much an understatement. I can't go into details (if you would like to hear a longer version....send me an e-mail). I have been hit from all sides. Please pray for my health. Pray for strength for me. I continue to realize that Satan does NOT like the idea of adoption....and orphan care. So, he has decided to bombard me with a lot right now. I have spent hours crying....but now I'm mad. HE CANNOT KEEP ATTACKING LIKE THIS!!! We are going to see our precious Eliana and Xiomara two weeks from tomorrow.....and I feel desperate for prayers. Oh....here is a small attack...we have ZERO cars in our driveway right now. Chris's car was totaled over a month ago (and we still haven't found a replacement)....and mine is in the shop with a thousand things wrong with it. Yikes!!! Notice that I said this was a small attack.
But, I need to mention a fun praise.....Eliana is in family court!!! I keep praying that she will make it to PGN in lightening speed!
I love you all,
Please call me one night. I'd love to know how I can specifically pray for you... and we keep playing phone tag!!
Oh, by the way... WE'LL BE IN GUATEMALA IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I plan on retiring at Disney World. The grandkids will always want to visit! :)
Please feel free to share your story so I know how I can specifically pray for you.
Praying for you all. I know this has been a truly tough time for you and Satan would love nothing better than for you guys to hang up your hats and call it quits. Too bad for him the war's already been won.
Adoption can be emotionally hard...but, in the end, it's so worth it!! And, believe it or not, the hurt you're feeling now fades and becomes a distant memory!
Our pastor has been doing a series out of Acts. This past Sunday he was in Acts 5:12-42 and the title of his sermon was "Under Attack!". It was very good. The main point I got out of it was that our suffering is intended to show us the WORTH of Jesus! Then, we must show HIS WORTH to the world! Just from your blog, I know that you and Chris are doing that! You're right...satan wants nothing more than to beat you down right now! I will pray for you today...we must pray BOLDLY when our souls are in the midst of lions!!
By the way, my dear husband ordered me a necklace for my birthday...the one of GUA with the heart in the middle! :) I can't wait to receive it in the mail!! :)
Oh, Lindsey! I am praying for you and your situation. God is good and will relieve you and refresh you. And in two short weeks you will see your girls!! :)
Hugs from Memphis, Carrie
Thinking of you...
Kerri and Ruby
I will be praying for you! You are in God's will because the devil is attacking you. Just know that you are stronger than he will ever be!!!!
Hang in there...we are praying for you here in Saint Louis. I have been following your blog from afar...and am asking for a necklace for Mothers Day. as someone who has been through adoption twice, AND health issues...the only way we emerge whole, and health is to give it all to the lord
Lindsey...you didn't give personal details, but I can tell you "the wait" in adoption has added so much stress to my life. Just knowing we aren't caring for our own children if hard to wrap your mind around. Try and focus on your visit trip. If you need someone to listen, my email is cherifortner@hotmail.com. God Bless, cheri
I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. This proces, and life in general, is ruthless sometimes. Praying for strength. Hopefully, seeing your precious girls SOON will give you the strength you need.
We will be in Guate until the 25th (unless we have a miracle!!). Praying for miracles all around.
And, congrats on entering FC!! Movement is always good and this movement is in the right direction!
Oh Lindsey I am praying for you.
Praying for you and sending hugs your way. Congrats on Eliana being in family court.
I've been following your blog for a long time now and I just wanted to let you know that I always keep your family in my prayers!! You guys are going to be amazing parents!
I sent you an e-mail. . .
I have been following along for awhile. I really enjoy your blog!
Please try to keep yourself healthy. During our adoption process I had the shingles and then mono. The process is so hard on you mentally that it takes a toll on your body. Remember that you need to take care of you. Especially so you can be super strong on your visit trip.
I will keep you in my prayers!
Praying for you today! I'm so sorry that things are so rough!
Lord, please strengthen this family who you love so much! Fill them with your peace and surround them with your encouragement and love!
Love you guys!
Sorry to hear you are getting hit from everywhere. I would be happy to listen to your story. My e-mail is sweetiepiekc at roadrunner dot com. It all goes together, and replace the at and dot with the usual signs.
Praying for you.
Disney is a great place to escape to.
Hi Lindsey! I found your blog through a friend and have enjoyed reading it. My husband and I started our adoption for a precious little girl on December 27We were unsure that we would be grandfathered under the old law, but knew we needed to step out on faith. I have experienced more ups and downs with this adoption than I experienced with the adoption of our little boy 4 years ago. I want to encourage you today to know that this adoption counts for the kingdom of God and He will give you what you need to complete it. I know Satan is attacking you and Chris. I will lift you guys up in my prayers. The adoption process is not without ups and downs, fears and worries and all other kinds of stuff. But when you finally bring that precious baby home you will experience a joy like no other. Take care and I will be praying for you. Rhonda
I am praying for you...all FOUR of you!! May God knock down all the WALLS and strengthen you with the love and power only he can give!
You will overcome!
Oh Lindsey, I just went through these personal attacks from the devil as well. I posted about them too. David and Goliath girl friend. Remember, the only power the enemy has is the power we give him. Keep your eye's in the Word and dont stop until your head catches up with your heart. Your in my prayers, Susie
You have been on my heart alot these past few days. I know that Satan will pull out all stops to "try" to thwart the plans of God for your family. Keep in mind that he is not the winner--- the battle has been won and HE will cause you to overcome!
While we were going through all that we did with our adoption, God gave me a verse to cling to and I would like to share it with you:
Hebrews 10:23: Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep His promise.
Hold tightly to the promise of your daughters and we will stand with you for Him to bring them to pass. It is a tough road, but remember, He will carry you when it gets too rough! i am not sure what you have having to try to deal with, but I do know He is faithful!!
i have something I would like to send you... i don't have your e-mail address. Please e-mail me so I can get it to you...
praying for your family,
You will be in my prayers!! I hope you are getting better!! It won't be long and you can hold your little girl!
Hang in there, girl! No matter what battles you are facing, you are not alone and you will make it to the other side.
It's been said time and time again that adoption is not for the faint of heart and it's so true. The process feels like a never ending struggle and it too often feels as though it's too difficult to handle. But you know that God led you to this place and He is not about to desert you. Nor are we.
I was diagnosed with a rare illness when I was a teenager. To this day I have to be monitored to make sure that it doesn't become a problem again. Stress actually triggers more symptoms so you can inly imagine what the adoption did to me physically. There were times when I was sure I would die...either from the panic attacks that resurfaced (that I hadn't had since childhood) or from some other illness that kept surfacing throughout the process (I had more intestinal issues which mimicked liver and appendix problems than I want to remember that all just happened to go away the day I arrived to foster in Antigua).
All of that was to say that so many have been where you are now and we all understand. This is not easy, but you're going to make it!
My email address has changed to
terry dot bracey at gmail dot com
If you need any thing, please let me know. And we would love to pray for your specific requests if you feel comfortable enough to share those. If not, we'll continue praying for you, Chris and your girls. I have a feeling that God already knows what you need without us going in to detail.
YAY!!! Family Court!!! Here's hoping you get to Antigua and find out she's in PGN.
Always praying,
Satan may attack us (see my blog), but he sure as heck ain't winning the battle. Armor up!
know i love you sista!
Praise God we know how this war ends! I know that doesn't always help on this side of heaven but...Praise God. ((((Lindsey))))Lifting you in prayers sweet sister in christ.
I am so sorry! I will be praying for you guys!I know the car is one of your smaller attacks, but I know how stressful just that one can be, let alone the other stuff you guys are having to deal with. We lost one of our cars yesterday and it has been a total pain, I can't imagine losing both! You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh my friend. The enemy HATES adoption, he will do all that he can to make you weak, tired and question this whole process. The Lord though, is mighty in battle! :) He will supply all of your needs and He will be victorious in bringing your little one(s) home!! Know that we are praying for you, love you and can't wait to see new pics of you in Guatemala holding Eliana and prayerfully Xio too.
Lindsey, my email is wankel5@hotmail.com I would love to hear how I can pray for you. I hope the next time we are in Franklin to see my son and his wife, we can maybe meet you!
I know exactly what you mean. Just keep your thoughts focused on your two girls - you'll be holding them in two weeks! I hope your health concern is minor. Praying for you...
Peace and Hugs,
I say we all move to Disney until we bring our girls home!
Then who needs a car?
Praying for you and I'll see you in a few weeks. Call me, is your # still the same? I called one day and still got your voicemail so I assume it is.
Oh, and Bill thinks it's hillarious that we post a blog and get maybe 5 or 6 comments and you post one and immediately get 30 comments. We gotta spread the word about our blog! :)
John and I are lifting you up in prayer daily! We love you!
Hooray for Family Court! PGN is not far behind!!! My heart just aches for you. We have adopted twice, and I remember much too well the roller coaster ride of emotions that goes along with it. It is a painful journey. I know that God used it to refine me, but it sure didn't feel good while it happened. :)
Every Adoption is unique and individual but sometimes the Lord allows ours to seem harder than other peoples journeys. I recently "stumbled" upon http://www.ourownrooney.blogspot.com/ and they are just barely getting to go get their son after months and months of prayers and fasting. The Lord is merciful and knows your needs. Do you need us, your blog readers, to fast for you? I would be happy to organize a fast with my family for you. I know you are being attacked both physically and emotionally. I promise you will eventually look back and realize why you had to go through the trials you do. I hope you feel better by the time your trip to see your daughter comes. Blessings being sent your way.
Lindsey- I am not sure what you are going through however
I am praying for you in NJ.
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