Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Dia Del Madre!

You are such a good Momma! Thank you for investing all of who you are into Eliana's little soul! My deepest desire is for her to grow up and be just like her Momma! You are literally modeling the life of Faith, and Biblical Hope in front of her! You are a beautiful expression of the Grace of the Gospel to her!

Thanks for staying home and pouring into our baby girl!
(And for the record...all her sass, spunk and fire come from you!)

I am so proud of you and the Momma that you are!
We both love you with all our hearts!

Chris & Eliana


Mama Bear said...

ahhh, sweet post :-)

Jennie Allen said...

Sorry we got disconnected- spunky and sassy- would you want her any other way! No way!!!! Call me whenever.

Isylla-Beth said...

Aww! That is so cute!

Kim & Dave said...

Happy Mother's that she's home!!! :)