Here's a little glimpse into the Thursday night dance party we had tonight! This girl LOVES to Dance. Any time she hears music with a beat she has to move to it. It's almost like she's obligated to shake her little head to the rhythm. If she's too tired to dance she'll just pat her knee and slowly nod. I especially love the serious faces she makes when she's dancing! She also makes every item she picks up into a phone (including a door stop at the church today)!
So far her words include:
No-no, Oh-No, Backpack, Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Yes-Maam (long and drawn out), Puppy, Kay-Kay, Yeah, Milk, and her name (which she pronounces "Ey-Yahna.") My favorite word though is when she says amen which sounds more like "Ah-mean" in a little whisper! She says it just at the right times too! Lindsey and I will be talking and then I'll sometimes just lead into a prayer. At the end she'll say amen right on cue though I wasn't even aware she knew we were praying at all! It's super cute!
I feel like she's getting bigger every time I turn around. I know every new Dad must say this but it's really wild! Though I feel like she's twice the size she was when we brought her home, the truth is she only just last week broke the 20 lbs. mark and her frame is still quite tiny!
Lately she's started hugging me with both arms wrapped around my neck! She squeezes tight and then gives me kisses! There's nothing like that in all the world!
The really weird part of it all might be that I can't imagine life now with out her! (I know every body says that but now I'm saying it too.) I don't even know what we did before her. I mean I can remember those days but they seem so long ago and so strange to me now! Lindsey and I just love when the three of us can just play together. We literally just laugh and laugh at all of her antics.
Eliana, I'm so proud to be your Daddy!