I wish I could update our blog more....but I go non-stop from 6:30 in the morning until about 11 at night (Eliana is a night owl). Any extra time I have, I try to rest. Eliana is loving her daddy being here. They play games constantly and laugh a ton. She is over the stomach bug (finally) and now has a pretty awful cough and cold. The weather here is constantly changing, so her cold doesn't surprise me at all. Eliana's case heads into RENAP tomorrow....this is the new system for birth certificates in Guatemala. No one has any idea what goes on there....it just makes the process last even longer. We aren't sure how long this step could take. Basically, I am preparing to be here in Guatemala for about 8-10 more weeks if all goes well. Who knows though?! I am trying to just enjoy the time here. We have had a blast just walking up and down the streets....hanging out with the incredible Scott family. This next week, Chris, Eliana and I are going to be working with different orphanages and ministries in Guat....we are SO EXCITED!!
Love you all,
P.S. All of the pictures are from Picasa....it is a free program you can download onto your computer...it is so much fun!!