Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Central Authority

Hip Hip Hooray!!! We were told yesterday that Eliana is now registered with Central Authority. We have a long road ahead.....but I am excited for this glimmer of hope!!

Love y'all,


Bekah said...

Hooray! Praying that every step goes quickly and smoothly from here on out and that the long road to Eliana is as short as possible....does that makes sense? It did in my head but not sure as I type it. Praying for you all daily.

Lainie said...

That's wonderful news!!

Katie said...

WHAT?????? That's huge!

obligato said...

Linds! Thats HUGE news! I am sooooooooooo thrilled! I cant believe it! Yeah!

Jess said...

Oh Yea!! I know people who were in PGN and aren't even registered yet, so that is SO GREAT that you are!!!!

Something to CELEBRATE!!!

Does this mean you can continue with what you had before 2007 ended? (meaning just POA?)

Amanda said...

My heart just lept inside of my chest when I saw these words!!!
Father God, We pray that you hand would be upon all of the people who have to sign off on Eliana's case...we pray that YOU would take this situation in your loving arms and move it along quickly. I thank you for the heart that you have given Chris and Lindsey...I thank you for the parents they all ready are and the kind of parents you are molding them to be when they finally have Eliana in their arms. Thank you for their heart for you and for your people. AMEN!!!
I love you both and am rejoicing with you right now!!!

Amy said...

Every step taken is great!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! Progress!!!!!

Hugs, Carrie

Chelsea Bergeron said...

That is Great! I have no idea what that means, as I am adopting from Ethiopia not Guatemala, but it sounds like a big step in the process :) I love following your blog and you guys are in my prayers!

Stacie said...

That's Great News!! Now, we are praying EVERY STEP from here on out goes SUPER FAST and Eliana is HOME where she belongs!

Yea for Good News!

JuJu - said...

Adoption is hard - but you are a pro at that part now;)

The great and wonderful thing about your adoption is that you are believers. You KNOW where your strenthg lies - you know who your Lord and saviour is and you can rest in that. Yes - you will have hard days and tears and the wait is ROUGH - but how blessed are BOTH of your girls to have parents fighting not only to bring them home - but warring for them in prayer as well.

I am SO proud of you both and so thankful to be able to call you my brothers and sisters in Christ -
I hope to meet you and your family one day and celebrte with you:)

Love to you all and on the days that are tough - KNOW you have so many people thinking of you and praying for you and walking it all out with you :)

Cheering you along from the sidelines;)

Jami said...

YAY!!! GREAT news!! :)

Whitney said...

Praise Him for CA and for protecting Chris!

Christina said...


Dawn said...

SO happy for you guys!!!!

Gail said...

That is great news for you and the many others waiting.

Rachel said...

"I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise!" Praising God for this wonderful news!!!!!!!

emily said...

Yahoo!! Any step is exciting-- we all need to celebrate these little moments to give God the glory and help break up the incredibly loooooooooonnnnnnnggg wait:)

Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

Praising the Lord!

Tracey said...

Woooowhooo! That is great. Every step gets you closer to that beautiful baby girl:)

Erin said...

God is good, indeed! Praying you all the way through, and now I'm even more excited to meet you, having just met in person another blogger-friend yesterday. let's do it!

Andrea said...

That is wonderful news!! I will keep you in my prayers!!

~Laura~ said...

That's AWESOME news!

Drew Carey Show said...

So I don't understand the nuances of Guatemalan adoptions, but judging by everyone's response, this was a huge milestone! So, hooray! And thanks for stopping by our blog. One of our families has a daughter from Guatemala and is adopting from Ethiopia now... But our Blog Union isn't exclusive to Ethiopia, if you guys want to come... You're more than welcome!

Unknown said...


Kristen Borland said...

yay!!!!! congrats!!