The last few weeks have been very full....and most of y'all know that it leaves me feeling very fatigued. Even though the fatigue has been really hard the last week or so, I am really trying to be thankful. Just look at these pictures....I have an amazing husband who loves me with all of his heart and a daughter who is JOY and ENERGY wrapped up in a little body. I love them so much. Then, I have a family who loves and supports me through all of the trials going on with my body and mind. It is so easy for me to get overwhelmed with all of the hard stuff and to not remember how much I have. The Lord is good in the hard times and the good times. He knows where I am....and He alone is faithful. Why do I continue to try and do it on my own?! One of my favorite pastors of all time....Matt Chandler....has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his brain. I can't even imagine how difficult it is for his wife Lauren and their three kids. Tonight, I was reading his twitter and it says, "Why not me? Why not you".....okay WOW!! What an eternal perspective! PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE FOR MATT!!! I want to love people and live life to the fullest. I want to know the Lord in a deeper way. I want to walk along side of people that are passionate about orphans and adoptions....and I want to be a mouth piece for the millions of kids all over the world. I am tired of being tired and living life in isolation. Please pray for me as I continue to battle.
On another note...driving home for Thanksgiving, my car went CRAZY (literally it took us 11.5 hours to get to LR when it should have been 5). We had to get quite a few things fixed....which was not good timing (is it ever?). Then, on our way home from Little Rock, we realized my heater was GONE. We took it to two places that confirmed it would be a lot of money to fix it. So, right now we are braving the cold. I bundle Eliana up and I drive fast (just kidding)! When I went to our mailbox tonight, I found an anonymous card with a "gift" to us. THANK YOU ANONYMOUS FRIEND!! We are beyond thankful. God used you to bring hope to us tonight. We would give you huge hugs if we knew who it was. Just know we both cried....and thanked God!!
Okay, I am done rambling. I love you all.....I am going to try and write more. I need to.
I love you all,
P.S. Our friends, the Hook family (from the previous post) have set up an "I Choose You" account at our church. If you want to give to this INCREDIBLE family so that they can bring home their sweet Evangeline from is where you send it:
Fellowship Bible Church
1210 Franklin Rd.
Brentwood, TN 37027
"I Choose You"- the Hook family
....write on the memo line of the check "The Hook Family"!! It is 100% tax-deductible!!! :-)
Awesome post. Praying for you as you press on to win this battle!
DId you ever figure out why you are so fatigued? If not, shoot me an email. I went through what you are going through and it took me almost 5 years to get a diagnosis. Now I have energy again! (
Linsday...e-mail me if you get a chance. (if you lost my e-mail its
Just reminding you that you r not Alone and these lady three weeks have gotten the best of me too and I get so frustrated because the tired is stealing away precious time with my children. I did find a new natural health dr here and thought it was working but I think I was just overly hopefull to be done feeling like this. Believe me I have Bern in tears quite a few times this week. My new symptom is extream muscle weekness and just feeling sore all over. I am way to young to feel this way & so r u... Maybe we need to be prayer buddies and pray each other well!
Candy Murnan
Bless your heart. I'll be praying for you. I recognized your picture of Santa and Mrs. Clause! We were there too! I wish I had run into you all.
On another note, I had an aunt diagnosed in the spring of 2006 with an inoperable malignant brain tumor. That fall they were about to call hospice. She went to MD Anderson in Houston and they were able to take the inside of the tumor out and long story short, she has been living by herself since the spring of 2007! The Lord is in the miracle business and can help your friend. There is hope! Big hugs and Merry Christmas to you all!
You and your family are such an inspiration to all. I am so beyond blessed to be a part of your life and to get to witness you all each day living and walking in faith. I love you guys and am praying that many blessing are showered on you this holiday season.
Oh Lindsey sweetie, I am so very sorry you are battling such fatigue. It is frustrating beyond words and many times I get into my pity party over the back issues and continuous pain I have day in and day out and then I too think of all the people who struggle to just be alive and though I hate the issues I'm dealing with post back surgery, I am so incredibly grateful to God for all my friends and family. You are NOT alone and know we are always out here for you at any time. Please always know you can email me, call me and/or vent, pray or we can cry together. Keep your chin high and remember how much God loves you.
Hugs, Rhonda
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