WE ARE OFFICIALLY OUT OF RENAP!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it....after 6 weeks, we are OUT!!! Thank you Lord. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. This really feels surreal. Eliana and I could be coming home in 3-4 weeks!!!!! I was in the middle of the grocery store when I found out....and I screamed "thank you" to our facilitator over and over!
Love you all,
P.S. Eliana has another bad case of bronchitis. The doctor has put her on an antibiotic and breathing treatments. I am really praying this helps her!! It is so hard watching her struggle for breath.
Congrats!!!!! I have tears in my eyes! You will soon all be together again!! Praise God!
Hallelujia Hallelujia!!! I had a feeling it would be this week!!! WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YIPPEE! So very happy for you all!!!
Congratulations I'm so happy for you. I hope Eliana feels better soon....I hope the breathing treatments work and don't make her hyper, everytime my granddaughter had to take breathing treatments she was wild. I found your blog on Lou's and have been reading it since Eliana got so sick.
I am so happy for you guys...looks like Amanda will be making a trip to Nashville soon to meet one sweet little girl!!!!
I love you guys and am sooooo happy for you!!
I will try to talk to you sometime over the weekend.
I am glad that the doctor has gotten Eliana on meds...she will be well soon!!!
Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys!!!
Kelly Griffey
WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you, and I'm happy that you're enjoying your new "home". I hope Eliana feels better soon, and like Carmen, my DS got super hyper and aggressive when we did his inhalers. I suppose I'd rather deal with hyper and aggressive than not breathing well though, but it was rough at times. Just know that this too will pass and that you have gazillions of people praying for your family! Again, WOOOHOOOO!!!!
I have never commented but I have been following your blog ever since the girls of grace conference. I have been praying for you and your family along the way! I am so excited for you guys. I will be praying for Eliana that she will respond well to the meds.
Hallelujah is right!! Congraulations on that hurdle being over with!! And, I hope Eliana is feeling better soon with her new medicines and that she is feeling 100% for her trip HOME!!!
Lindsey and Chris, CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is such wonderful news! Very soon you and your little girl will finally be home! Just think...you all will be able to go trick or treating at home with Eliana!
Lee Anne
WOW so amazing. Today I prayed that it would be the day. It seems like such a long process to go through. Your little girl will know how much you loved her by all your wonderful sacrifices that you made. Praise Jesus!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
So thankful for this news!
Praying for Eliana's health and Lindsey's rest!
Praying for Chris as he continues to hold down the fort at home and wait, wait, wait for his girls to arrive!!
Thank you for sharing this with all of us who are keeping your family lifted high.
blessed mom to Emily Belle, and a few more
OH LINDSEY!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!!!! Here's hoping for a SPEEEEDY homecoming.....thanks for getting out of my way!!! :-) HUGS AND LOVE!!!
Bama ---
Praise God I am soooo happy for you! Hope sweet Elaina gets better soon to come home!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! I am so glad you are finally going to get to go home!!!
I'm a long time lurker, fellow Nashvillian, and fellow adoptive mama. I just wanted to say congrats on gtting out of RENAP! Your daughter is just precious, I hope she feels better soon!
You don't know me, but I have been following your blog for quite a while now. I'm not sure how I found you, but I have recently met your friend (and now mine) Cindy (from Arkansas). Anyways, I just wanted to say congratulations to you guys! I am just thrilled to hear this awesome news. I have been praying for you (which seems strange b/c I only know you through the blog) but I am just thrilled at this awesome answer to prayer. Will continue to pray for Eliana, and Can't wait to hear that you are headed home!
WOO HOO!!!! I am one excited Aunt here in Dallas!!! I can't wait to see her again and squeeze her tiny little body!!! Love you sister!
YEAH! Congratulations Lindsey! You must be so relieved. My daughter needed breathing treatments for a while. I noticed a huge difference after the 1st day. I hope Eliana feels better!
WOOOHOOO, CONGRATS. Thank God for answered prayers and sending more that your sweet little one is feeling better soon.
Yay! My gut was telling me that you would get good news and I am so proud for you. Sweet Eliana needs to be home so that she can finally get over all this sickness. My friend at work has a son who has been battling what they thought was bronchitis but actually turned out to be pneumonia. Now that they have the correct diagnosis he is getting better with the proper meds. We will continue to pray for you both. We are so excited for you.
Yea Yea Yea!
You'll be home soon!!
Yippee! Oh Lindsey, I am absolutely thrilled for you. It is the light at the end of the tunnel!! I will be praying for super smooth final steps.
Meghan and Gigi
we are rejoicing with you!!! praying for sweet Eliana and her lungs.
we love you
the Eoff's
PRAISE GOD!!!! Look out U.S.A., the girls are coming home very soon!
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!! I am soooo excited for you guys!! Congratulations!!!!
yea!!!! that is so awesome, lindsey!!! what great news!
YAY!!! That is such a relief!!! Thank you Jesus!! You will both be home so soon!!
I am praying for Eliana, that this treatment helps her breathe and feel much better!
--Gilli's dress is the Catimini brand from a boutique... a very nice gift from her Nani! I love the colors!
PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! Awesome girl! I can't imagine how excited you and Chris are! YEAY YEAY YEAY
Lindsey, We are sooooooo happy for you all. Thank You God for answered prayers. Celebrating with you, The Wheeler family will all be together very soon! Praying you are both feeling much better!
Love, The Stroup family
Lindsey & Chris,
What joyful news!! God's grace is so powerful, yet, so meek. It is so weird that this morning while praying in the shower, I just knew today was going to be the day!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
I am so happy for ya'll. I can't believe you were waiting on her BC that long. I know you will be home soon! PTL!
So happy for you guys! I know how unbearable the wait can be, and I'm not even separated from my husband. All the delays and setbacks seem so huge...but one day they will fade into the backdrop and you will only be able to see your beautiful daughter. Looking forward to hearing the news that you guys are together as a family forever!
Praise God! Praise God!!!!!!
Great news!!
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow... : )
I am so excited for you! Maybe we could make the trip to Nashville to see you home!!!!
Oh PRAISE you Lord Jesus!!! I so know your joy. As you may remember, we waited 8 weeks for our Mixco BC. It was the hardest part of the wait for me. REally happy for both you and Chris. God, you are so bigger than we can possibly imagine. Continued healing hands of our Lord on Eliana's little body. In 4 weeks or less, she will be a US Citizen...oh the emotions. Hugs, Susie
Praise the Lord!! I am soooo happy for you!! Just think you will be HOME for the holidays!! All the Holidays!!
BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS AND PRAISE GOD for that wonderful news Lindsey and Chris!!! I'm sure Chris you're jumping up and down at the prospect of your precious girls coming home soon!!!
And praying that the antibiotics and treatments for Eliana will help her quickly to feel better!
You've made my day today with that great news!!!:):)
Yeah!!! Praising the Lord for His provision. May these last few steps be very quick.
Hooray, hooray! I had to check in just hoping that there was good news! You are ALMOST home. I cannot wait.
PS Our son was sick a lot when we first brought him home. The dr. stopped short of saying "asthma". He is on an inhaler and we give him a small dose of Benadryl each night (advice from dr.). No more trouble. I will be curious to see if the winter brings about more of the breathing issues. Hope Eliana is much better this weekend.
YAHOOOOOOOO!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! I just knew God was going to deliver that HUGE GOOD NEWS to you today!! PRAISE YOU FATHER!!
Have a Super Duper good weekend!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
I am so happy for you three. What a great way to start the weekend.
HAPPY DAY!! What wonderful news - your homecoming is drawing so close!
Still praying for you two - to get well, stay well, and get HOME!!
Love you,
PRAISE GOD!!! I can't even tell you how happy I am for you guys!!! I hope I can come welcome you home!!
Praising God with you! He is so good! Not much longer now.
Soon you will be able to get your little girl the care she needs to take care of that cough and shortness of breath.
I am so thrilled!!
Oh- Congratulations and many blessings to all of you!! What wonderful news!! Hoping you'll be together as a family of 3 again in no time!!!!
WOOO HOOOO! I'm so happy for you! God is definitely good. Hoping you get to come home soon.
We are rejoicing with you! Praise GOD!!!!!!
yippeeee!!!!! time to start planning the sip and see!!! you can invite anybody and everybody that you've ever known!!! lena is meeting her birthmother tomorrow....pray for her, baby is due on the 15th. the mayernicks are shoutin out a praise for ya"ll, and it's really loud!!! (heehee how many of us are there?!?) luv u sister!
What great news!! I am so happy for you!! You will get to be home with your hubby and daughter ats the same time!!!
God bless!
Hope baby girl is feeling so much better!!!!
You are almost home!!!!
Praise the Lord for this wonderful news! I am hoping to be in Guat. in a couple of weeks and would love to have some christian gals to hang out with. Email me and we will talk.
YIPPEE! We are looking forward to planning our trip to Nashville to meet our baby grandgirl who doesn't even know us yet!
Mary Helen and John
Praise the Lord for your good news. You will continue to be in my prayers.
Halellu, Hallelu, HALLELUJIA- PRAISE Ye The LORD!
Praise God for answered prayers! Covering you in prayer for the final steps!
Stacy and Isabella
Im so happy for you guys! I sure hope that little one gets all better soon!
Praise the Lord!!!! :)
Praise the Lord!! I am so happy for you, we waited a treacherous 6 MONTHS for a Mixco B.C. I will pray for a speedy pink! And that Eliana will be healthy again soon!
Oh Wow- Praise the Lord- I've got chills! I'm SO SO excited for you!!! :)
Sending you a huge hug!
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog and falling in love with your story and sweet little girl. I am so happy for you!
What a praise! SO happy for you!
Praise the Lord! This is so awesome!! You are coming home!! XXOO
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