I just wanted to give a quick update. Sweet Eliana has been on breathing treatments and an antibiotic for 3 days now....and does not seem to be getting any better. I have just hurt watching her be in so much pain. She has coughed her lungs off...and has barely eaten anything in 3 days!! Not to mention, I have slept a maximum of about 4 hours a night (maybe). We are both completely drained. Her little lungs are working over-time....her breathing is crazy fast. So, we are headed to the city tomorrow to see a respiratory specialist. Please pray that they will find what is going on. I am a little worried it might be pneumonia. I think because she is so tiny...it just makes everything worse.
On a happy note, we go tomorrow to get her passport!! I haven't seen her smile except when she sees Polly on Skype....so I hope she smiles for her passport picture. :-) I will update more tomorrow night.
Love y'all,
Praying sweet baby can get some relife!!
Sending some special prayers for her to get better!!!
So glad you are close to getting home!!!
Poor sweet baby...I hope all goes well at the specialist. Please keep us posted!! Yay for her passport, one step closer to coming home!!!
That is so hard....when babies are sick:(
I am so happy you get to get her passport and start making your way home to the USA!!! Soon you will all be together again!
Oh Lindsey, I pray that she gets better soon. May that specialist have wisdom and know exactly what to do to make her all well!!
Oh Lord Jesus, touch this sweet little girl with your healing hand and give her mama strength when she is weary.
Hi Lindsey and Family!
I have been following your blog ever since we returned from Antigua just last February with our little guy!! You are ALMOST there - so close in fact. My son (who is 19 months now) had breathing/respiratory problems like crazy in that crazy congested Guatemala air, but the minute we returned to the states, he was immediately better with clear lungs. You will be there soon. Have you tried a humidifier at night? You can buy one in the city. I'm sure you've tried everything. My son also ended up having the same problems due to random things in the house like the housecleaning products the housecleaners used, etc. You might want to check out the house for any unknown pollutants and fragrant things! She WILL get better so hang in there. Keep us updated with your embassy date!! We had our appt. within 3 weeks I believe of our passport/birth certificate being submitted to the embassy. You will soon feel a huge sense of relaxation!! Take care you two!!
I just thought of something else. Have you tried just getting out of Antigua and heading to Monterrico Beach for example for some fresh beach air? It is absolutely beautiful and not too far away. Once she's strong enough, it might be worth a try. Here is our home email address in case you'd like to talk to us via email: cowgirlwilliams@comcast.net Good luck!! Lara
Hoping and praying that sweet Eliana gets better soon. I hope all goes well with the doc tomorrow and that she gets the proper care that she needs. You are being so strong through all of this and Eliana has an incredible example through you. You are an inspiration to so many people. Best of luck. Please keep us posted on her condition during the final days of this journey. In the meantime, we will be praying you home. God Bless.
Oh Lindsey, I am sad when I think of Eliana being so sick. I really pray the appointment tomorrow is helpful. May the doctor have wisdom for her. Our God is the Great Physician!!
I am praying for sweet Eliana to get better soon! Does her cough sound like a bark yet? I only ask because all of my kids get croup. It is something that is commonly missed for some reason, but it sounds so much like what she's going through. Actually, my 4yr old seems to be getting it again. :( I pray the doctor tomorrow can help give you some answers to help her.
On a positive note, congratulations on the progress with her passport!!
Hope the specialist can help get to the bottom of it.Sorry that poor baby is so sick. It is so hard on the Mama too
YEAH passport. Hope she smiles pretty!!
We are lifting you up in prayer that our great God will bring her relief and you some rest!
Praying she is healed soon! I am so happy to see the passport will be done tomorrow!
I am so excited that you get her passport done today!!!! One step closer!!!
Father God, Take this sweet baby girl and her mommy into your loving and healing hand. Make Eliana completely well in the Name of Jesus. And give Lindsey peace and a Super Natural rest like she has never known. - AMEN
Lindsey I love you guys and am believing for a MIRACLE!!!
I'm praying you get good news at the Dr. So glad you are getting her passport. You will be home before you know it! Big hugs. BYW, I am DIGGIN' the pink diaper bag! Tooo cute! I guess that's what it is!
Hey girl, we're praying for Eliana's health and your rest AND for a quick release to come home!!
i'm praying for her. and the progress your case has finally made is so excited!
praying for my sweet lamb. cant wait to hold her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on being alomost home. Once you get home she will feel so much better, its the weather there and the constant sicknesses going around. Our house had the same thing, tachycardia couldn't breath throwing up and a fever I couldnt'; get down withiout piggybacking motrina dn tylenol every 3 hours. Maya wouldn't eat either but would still drink a bottle (she was 10 months at the time) so I just loaded it with rice cereal and cross cut the nipple so at leat theere was something solid in her before I started dumping in meds. I alos did the same thing with food, pureed and she drank it, that was during a rotovirus time. So glad to be home! You will be soon!
I am so excited that it's passport day for you. Praying for some good air for that sweet baby girl. I'm flying home from Guate on the 24th - maybe we'll be on the same plane! I do fly into BNA. I'll send you the itinerary.
Love and hugs,
Poor little sweet heart. I sure hope they figure something out so she can feel all better soon. And congrats on the passport how fun!!
There is a pharmacy near the US Embassy (probably can get it at all the pharmacies) ask the pharmisist for it, its behind the counter but available without prescription. Its called IRS - yes, like our IRS, just big initials on the bottle, its a miracle worker for conjestion and breathing issues. I wish I had brought some home with us.
HTH~Melissa - Ana's Mommy
Oh Lindsey this just stinks! I think you really need to go to the Embassy and see if they can get you out of the country ASAP after you have DNA so you can get this sweet girl home! Praying for you!!!
Love, Deanna
Praying for a miraculous healing!
Praying for you all! You will be home soon!
Love and Prayers,
We are praying for you both! You are such a good Momma sweet Linds1
Love, Mary Helen and John
Hang in there Lyndsey! Elianas are tough!
Our girl was sick constantly in Guatemala with one respiratory infection after another. Since she's been home with us she's barely been sick - maybe 2 colds in 19 months. So the remedy must be - go home to be with your family!
I hope that Doctor gave you some relief today and hope you all get home soon to test my theory!
she sounds like she needs some oral steroids. once you get her home, you'll probably need to start her on some preventative meds....pulmicort. how many breaths is she taking a minute? (respirations?) my pediatrician specializes in breathing (asthma) I'll hook ya up! wheezing is so nerve racking, not to mention will scare you to death. love you sister
praying for sweet girl!
Lindsey, I am so sorry sweet Eliana is so sick. Praying for a breeze through the next few steps. You will be home soon! Can't wait and hope we get to see you all soon!
YEAH - the passport means the trip home is coming soon. Good Luck with the trip into GC and I ope E is feeling better soon
hey girl ... hope she does feel better ... i have two of the four constantly on breathing treatments ... i pray you home quick sweet friend!!!!
So how did it go?
Praying for this sweet baby to get well and home soon!!!
Im praying for the sweet girl.
I am praying to the trip to the city to be a good one and for those tiny lungs to get a rest from some different meds or something...how about just getting better!! Oh, how I hope she does soon. AND I was SO glad to see another step towards home with the passport office on your list now!! Please know that tons of prayers are going up for you and that sweet girl!
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