This is the picture we fell in love with!! It is hard to believe that she was this small. The moment I saw her face on my computer....I instantly knew she was our daughter!!

Here she is at 8 months old!!! She looks like a little girl.....we are in love! We will see Eliana in 10 days!!!!!! Don't worry....we will take TONS OF PICTURES!!!!
Love you all,
We leave on the 26th to meet our 2 boys for the first time! looks like we'll both be seeing our loves at the same time! I will pray for you. our blog iswww.praisinandtellin.blogspot.com. we heard about you all at the GOG conference! so neat to follow your story now! she is adorable! I pray you have a wonderful time!
I remember when we saw Kade's picture for the first time. I instantly fell in love and knew I was his mommy! Such an awesome feeling:) Can't wait to see pics:)
She is so precious. That's how I felt about Jake too. The minute his face popped up on the screen, I just knew! I bet you are getting so excited for your trip!
I'll never forget the first time I saw Mauricio's picture. At the time we weren't even considering a boy. I looked at that face, and knew I had a son.
She is getting so big. She needs to come home!!
Wow - I have never seen more gorgeous eyes! She takes my breath away!
Peace and Hugs,
I love her little nose. She is such a beauty. I hope you have an amazing trip. My thoughts and rayers will be with you
I CAN'T WAIT to see pictures!!!!!
We framed the picture they gave us at our agency when we first saw Jadon. The frame is dated with his referral date. It is so special now!
I am so glad you are able to create so many memories with Eliana!
She is so sweet! She looks like she needs her mommy and daddy! :) We are praying for you to have a safe and fun filled trip!
Totally your daughter!!!! Not only does she have God's heart, but she looks like you. :) Excited for you and your trip. Blessings, Susie
She is so precious and someday soon she will call you Mommy & Daddy!!!
She is gorgeous! I've been praying for you down here in Florida.
We're waiting to adopt from Kaz and I think no matter where you adopt from it is never easy to wait. International adoption is so full of uncertainties, precarious upon multiple governments and other things you have no control over.
I know this has been very difficult on families waiting to adopt from Guatamala with the unsurities of the program and where families are in the process. My heart goes out to them.
I hope things go smoothly for you. You are so full of faith that you are an inspiration. And fun too - your LOST kick off party. (Love Lost).
Cant wait to see you with the little one in a few days! Be safe.
Anyway we have a blog too - its private but I'd send you an invite if you're interested. ruley@tampabay.rr.com
Those eyes...How are you ever going to say "no-no" to her?! I'd be mush and spoil her rotten! Ha, ha!
I enjoy praying for you,
wow!! isn't is amazing how fast they grow?!? did you see my new picture of Flor? she just melts my heart!! I can't wait to meet Eliana!!
Beautiful then and now!
Kerri and Ruby
Look at her little face!!! I agree, she is just adorable!! I can't wait to see her in your arms again in just a few short days!!
She is so beautiful !
so glad you are going to see your little beauty! can't wait to see her in your arms again..
praying for you...
Awww...she is just too cute but she needs to stop growing up without you! I am so worried that Elvia/Auri is going to be this all grown up independant gal (yes at the age of 20 mo) when we see her FRIDAY!!! I will try and call you later this week so we can chat and maybe try and figure out when we can meet up! I think I saw on your blog that Flor and Fern's families were going down at the same time....I thought they were staying at the Grand Tikal...or is it somewhere else? I little playdate would be awesome!
OK, We HAVE to talk! Are we going to see you at ADN? We will be there until the 29th, then off to the hotel.
Look at those eyes!! How beautiful!!!! Can't wait for ya'll to get there so we can see more pics!!!
Those eyes get me every time. She is so precious. Can't wait for you to go and love on her!
Darcy McMurray
She is just beautiful! I see why you fell in love instantly! Can't wait to see pics from Guatemala!
She is absolutely beautiful!!
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