Don't get me wrong, I love my home in Franklin. I love the comforts of living in the United States. But, there is something magical that happens when I step foot in Guatemala. It is where I am most ALIVE! I am so drawn to the kids. I love to love and hug on them. I love to pray over them even though they don't understand my language. I love singing with them. The Lord reveals Himself to me in ways that astound me every time I'm there.
I am really trying to focus on what the Lord has given to me tonight, rather than on the things that seem impossible. We have still heard nothing from immigration. I will admit, my spirit is low....very low. There is always going to be a struggle in my heart. Faith requires a lot. We have jumped and are not looking back. It is painful....it feels like you can't breathe at times. But, it is defining who we are. So, right now I am choosing to be thankful. Lord, thank you for giving us the privilege of fighting for and pursuing Xiomara and Eliana. You know our hearts. You know how we would LOVE to bring both of them home. They are your kids....You loved them first. Thank you Jesus!
Love you guys,
Have you thought about going and fostering? I don't know if you are able to do that... but maybe a consideration. I'm sure you can do mission work while you are down there... :)
I just recently found your blog and your story has touched me so much! Your faith in God is truly inspiring. We will keep you in our prayers and look forward to seeing all the amazing things God will do through you both.
Thanks for keeping us updated! I'll be praying every time I look at Eliot. I hate this for you guys!
I know this sounds so cliche right now, but my mantra today has been "the Lord's timing is perfect". I read different posts and news articles about the status of adoptions, and my anxiety level starts to rise. We can't allow ourselves to get on that roller coaster! Just keep trusting and know that you and your family are being lifted up.
I know what you mean...my 12 year old daughter and I just went on a mission trip in Guatemala to Eagle's Nest Orphanage. It was the most amazing trip of my life. The country and the people are so awesome. I have 2 adopted nieces from there. We are getting our son next month from Mexico...My prayers are with you and that Guatemala will once again be open to the U.S. as it was before.
Lindsey--Praying for you tonight and every day. Praying for the Lord to minister His perfect peace and joy to your spirit as you continue to wait and wonder. Some days I have trouble voicing my prayers, and my heart is heavy, and I am tired of waiting...and on those days all I can say over and over is, "Into your hands, Lord." It is so simple and yet calms my heart as I trust Jesus to fight the battle for me. Much love to you. Bekah
I hope things come through and you hear soon. I know what you mean though..we miss China and really feel like we "belonged" there.....a part of us is still there and we are anxious to take Annslee back to visit.
My heart breaks for you.
I am praying for your heart, your girls, your paperwork and for Guatemala.
waiting for news is the hardest. we are right there with you.
adoption is not for the faint of heart. but i confess i'm often faint of heart! thank goodness God is so much more than me!
Lindsey, You are an amazing woman of God and I know He is well pleased with you and Chirs. I know we only met for a very short while and did not talk too much, but you and Chris are in mine and Jeff's thoughts alot and we pray for you daily. I check your blog each night and pray.
You are called for His purpose and He will see it through. Just continue to obey and trust and walk where He leads you and you cannot go wrong. You put it so perfectly when you said "at times you can't breathe". Just know He IS there and He will sustain you ALWAYS!!!
Praying for that paperwork..."FAVOR LORD, in Jesus' name!"
love ya,
Lindsey, we are praying for you and Chris and for our girls... I keep asking, what is my purpose of being on this ride if nothing is to come of it? There has to be a reason and that is what I am seeking.
Love you sharing your heart in this post. Great perspective-
Praying for you!
I love reading your posts. They are so uplifting for me, and always reminds me that we are not alone. The lord is besides us, holding our hands, loving us each day. My thoughts and prayers are with you
I know what you mean about Guatemala. Even with Tommy in my arms, I cried so hard leaving because it has become such a part of who I am and the day cannot come fast enough for me to return.
We are still praying that you will hear something from immigration soon. This process is so difficult and of course there are going to be times when you feel like you can't go on. It does often feel like you can't breathe, can't move, can't function at all. On the days that you feel like you can't go on, He will continue to carry you through and we will all continue to pray. You're going to get through this because at the end of this battle waits your children.
Wow! Your faith, strength and testimony are amazing. You're truly an inspiration.
I feel like I say the same thing to you guys over and over again. I love your heart...I am praying and crying with you guys at this time. The 4 of you have been on my mind constantly for the last few days...no matter what I am doing you guys always seem to be at the forefront of my thoughts.
Thank you for consistantly keeping us updated!!! I love you and can't wait to see you soon!!!
Oh...and let me know if you guys plan on going over for another mission trip...I would love to go if I could swing it.
That is such a beautiful picture!! A lot of the kids have the exact same smile as you. I can tell that guatemala is definitely where your heart is :)
The love you have for Guatemala and the children certainly show in that picture!
Your faith is such an inspiration!
We continue to pray for you and your girls.
Hey... I found your blog through a comment you left on Julie Beeler's blog (she's a friend of mine :-)
We got to Fellowship Bible Church Knoxville... we are sisters :-)
(my husband is on staff)
We are adopting from Ethiopia...
I look forward to reading your story.
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