I thought that it might be nice if I could just thank everyone who has been praying continually for Kali. As Lindsey has already told you, Kali has been my roommate for the past 2 years and we have been best friends since kindergarten. She basically grew up at our house, and so naturally something like this happening to someone so close to you is devastating. She is my friend who knows every secret, every struggle, every moment of my life- she is like my sister. Kali is a fighter... I know she can make it through. She has been stable for the past 48 hours, which is good because the first 48 are usually the most crucial. I have been in contact with both of her parents and they said that today she had a really good day. The main problem to pray for right now is for the swelling in her brain to go down, because it really hasn't gone down too much. Once it goes down enough, they can bring her out of a coma and do tests to assess the damage in her brain and see exactly what brain functions she has. Right now the hardest part is not being with her. She is the hospital in Florida, and I am in Little Rock and I know while she is in a coma I can't really do anything, but I just feel a little helpless here. The doctors have said that it may be a few weeks to a month before she is awake and they can see what the damage is. Please just pray for her and her family. I know her parents are exhausted. They are helplessly watching their daughter struggle to stay alive, and not able to do anything about it.
Although I do not most of you personally, reading your comments has been so encouraging. Like most of you, I believe in a God that protects us while we are weak, and is our strength when we have none. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." Even as I write this, tears streaming down my face, I know that the Lord has a plan. And while I may not understand this plan, Kali is his child, and he has a perfect plan for her life. Thank you again so much for your continuing prayer for Kali and her family. I will keep Lindsey updated so that you guys can stay updated too.
Leah Daniels
(Also, please continue to pray for Erika and the Chapmans.)
I am praying for her Leah. I'm praying for you too. Thank you for keeping us updated!
Wow!! I have the most amazing sister (and of course Lauren too). Leah, I am so proud of you. I am proud of the way you love on people....how your faith is still strong after going through so much in the last few years. You are a fighter too....and I love that about you. And, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! I love you sister.
Leah, I am praying for your and your friend, Kali. Thank you for the update. I am also praying for your sister and the Chapman family.
God is bigger than all these problems. And the Bible says where two or three are gathered there He will be. I don't think this has to be in one PLACE. But even in spirit, and we can all agree in spirit for Kali to be healed, for Erika to be comforted and for the Chapman family to be comforted too.
I am praying!
I am continuing to pray and if you don't mind I will post something on my blog for her...the power of prayer is amazing! Keep us updated!
Continuing to pray for both terrible situations!
I remember seeing that the Chapman visitation was tonight, & the funeral is tomorrow....praying fervently...
keeping all of you covered in prayer -
Still praying for healing and peace.
I have found your blog through Steve & Danae Lehman. My husband is a general surgeon at Shands here in Gainesville, FL (about 2 hours N of Disney World off of I75). We receive most of the traumas around the area. If you let me know if she is here at Shands Medical Center then I could have Luke stop by or I could stop by to support the family (I am a NP) only if you think it would be good & not bad (too much) at this time. I have been praying for all involved! Love, Jenny Gutwein (web.mac.com/lgutwein) or jennygutwein@yahoo.com.
Leah, just as we all support Lindsey and Chris we are here for you. Just know that you and your friend are in many thoughts and prayers. I know that I appreciate the update that you were able to give us all on Kali and pray for her quick recovery.
Lee Anne
Leah, I am praying for your friend and for you too! I live in Tallahassee and would love to help Kali's family in any way I can. If there is something I can do, please let me know. ~ Jessica Platt
I am praying too. Praise God that we have Him to lean on during times like these. Thanks for the update.
Lord, please wake Kali up and bring about healing...according to Your will Lord. Please strengthen her family and dear friends right now. Thank You for hearing us Father. We need you...
e-mail me... I was talking with someone yesterday that knows you. SMALL WORLD.. in many ways.
Tracie in TN
I have been praying for you, Kali and her family. I know that it is hard but God is bringing all of you through this...I live in North Little Rock and would love to get to know you. I absolutely love your sister and Chris and know I would love you too!!! If you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on please get my information from Lindsey and Chris!!!
Love you guys and still praying for everything going on in your lives!!!!
Sweet little Leah...I love you so much!!! Reading your words brought tears to my eyes...I am just so proud of you. You are so strong, and I am continually amazed at your resilience in times of trouble! You truly are an inspiration to me (as opposed to Lindsey's inspiration....Wynona!)I'm in constant prayer for you and Kali...along with her parents. I love you little sister!
Hi Lindsey, Chris, and Leah,
I found your blog through Amanda Tomlin. I just wanted to let you know that I have had two friends over the past 3 years in an induced coma due to car accidents. The Lord has brought them both out of it and they are recovering beautifully. One actually just got married about 6 months ago. I wanted to share that with you to offer a glimmer of hope that she can come out of this. (There is a wonderful website called CaringBridge.org where you can create a blog of her progress. It is a great way to get progress reports out to many people. I know it was a huge blessing to both of my friends.) My husband and I are and will continue to pray.
I read about the accident in the newspaper. I live in NWArk, and I didn't realize that the group was from Central Arkansas. As soon as I read it, I made the connection. I hope that the swelling goes down soon and that the family finds peace and rest right now.
I am praying for Kali... I don't know how things are right now, i'm praying for HER.
Praying for miracles!!! We serve a mighty God who can do anything!!
We are praying for you too Leah! Keep us updated!
We're praying for you Leah!
You are a true inspiration.
May God be your comfort through all of this!!!
Syd & Tom
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